Sunday, July 15, 2012

Epilog to Credibility

I felt that I should follow up the post in which I complained of the Lincoln County North Carolina animal control program promising a dog to another shelter instead of adopting the pet out.  As you may remember, I emailed the only county commissioner there with an email account.  Well, I did get a response from the EMS director, (I guess everyone wears two hats or more these days).  

He related to me that the policies and procedures there were changing to give preference to local adoption first, before allowing another shelter to have a dog.  I am pleased.  The way they were doing things previously gave a bad perception to the public, whether or not there was any funny business going on. 

This should help the Lincoln County public relations, provided they follow the plan they have outlined, and document every step they take.  They still need to get their act together when it comes to posting animals on adoption web sites.  The email I received claims that the adoption fee is less than I quoted in my email.  It may be, but the web site they advertised the adoptions on stated otherwise.  I double verified the amounts while writing my email to the county commissioner.  

All in all I am pleased that they are changing policies.  At least I did get a response professing that there would be immediate positive change.  That's more than you can say for most government entities these days.  No matter how proficient any entity is, its credibility is based solely on perception.  That's also true for all of us as individuals.

Surround yourself with people who love you, work that you love, and a cause that you believe in.

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