If I could tell you now, what someday you will look back on and say, "If I
had only known then what I know now", would you listen now?
That is what I hope to accomplish over the next few weeks, months, and maybe up to a year. I have spent a lifetime working with literally thousands of seniors. Yes, senior citizens, the elderly, older Americans. From the very beginning, I was intrigued by their VIEW, (their Values, their Insights, their Experiences, and their individual and collective Wisdom gained over six, eight or even ten decades of living.
Just recently I realized that if one multiplies all those decades of VIEW by the thousands of individual seniors that I have known and worked with, was befriended and counseled by, and interviewed, the end product would be a priceless cache of life knowledge that measures as deep as it is wide. My task then is to capture as much of this knowledge as possible in written form. That knowledge base will then need to be organized into groupings of themes, applicable areas of life, and logical association.
After all that, then comes the hurdle of packaging this information into a teachable system, making it concise, clear and easy to understand, and somehow, hopefully, a bit entertaining. Even after all that, for the information to be worthwhile to anyone, it has to be noticed. I may help with that. I know I will need help along the way, and I will especially need help getting the material noticed. My goal for the next weeks and months is to tackle all of that, and have it complete, organized, packaged, and ready to present in less than one year. I know that I can do this because I have completed similar projects of lesser scale before. This one will take longer, require more thought, more organization and more work than previous projects. But, I'm up for it, because I believe in the very core of my bones that this project will be one of the most worthwhile things that I've ever been involved with.
Some people refer to life as a journey. I already feel this project will be a journey for me, my readers and listeners. If you will, join me here as a co-traveler, for the Journey with the VIEW.
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