Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Your Life is a Gem, This is the Key Facet

Our lives are gems made up of many facets.  Like gemstones, the first facet which is cut into our lives determines the shape and face of all the other facets.  That primary facet should be our spiritual facet.  If we get that right, all the other facets will either fall into place where they belong, or be shaped in such ways as to maintain our worth as a human gem.  Our spiritual development determines the strength and depth of all the other facets of our lives.

Our spiritual well being defines and shapes our health, our mental outlook, our social interactions, environments in which we operate daily as well as how we approach our jobs and pastimes and the quality of our contributions to mankind.  In fact our spiritual well being can determine if we are contributors or leeches. 

Intellectually we will either grow or wither based to a great extent on our degree of spiritual growth.  What good is all the knowledge of the world when it is not growing our spiritual selves to better serve our faith and mankind?

But, spiritual growth alone cannot suffice for human existence and growth.  While man cannot live by bread alone. We cannot fulfill the purposes of our spiritual selves in failing to live fully in all the facets of our lives.  We are not placed on this earth alone. We were put here as human beings to interact and influence each other. 

To fully live we must embrace every facet of our lives.  Our spiritual development and growth must influence and spill into all the other facets of our existence, and we must have a presence in every actual facet.  When we neglect a facet of our lives we starve it of the full benefit of our best and highest abilities, and it in turn repays us in kind.  When we neglect a facet we also short change those who are closest to us and in turn miss much they have to offer us.

When we give every facet of our lives the best we can offer, we reap the benefit of a highly nourished existence, and we are able to function in fully formed facets and live balanced happy lives that sparkle like a true gem.

I stated in the beginning of this discourse, that the spiritual facet is the most important.  While all facets of our lives are interdependent, the spiritual facet is the core ruling facet where the shaping all begins that will determine the quality and value of that precious gem you call your life.

I will be introducing more here on life facets and their development, meanwhile why not take a look at your spiritual facet and consider what you can do to develop it into a stronger facet?  You will find that your other life facets begin to strengthen and shine a little more as you move along a path of improving and strengthening your spiritual life facet.  Start today.  It is often repeated that a trip of a thousand miles begins with one step.  Take it today.

Surround yourself with people who love you, work that you love, and a cause that you believe in.

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