It's been said that there's no day so bad that a cold nose and a wet sloppy kiss can't make better. Here are the two that I call, "the kids". The Sneaky Cat and Roscoe Buddy. Most days they are waiting for me at the front door when I come home from work. You know what? Their greeting does make me temporarily lay the day aside.
Geriatric experts tell us that the elderly that have a pet to care for tend to be healthier and live longer than their pet-less counterparts. There is a reason for that. We humans are wired to care for others, and to give of ourselves outside of ourselves. We are wired to be social, with something like a pack mentality, much like dogs, and to hunt and provide in pairs, much like cats. If you've never watched a pair of cats team up on a dangerous prey such as a snake, then you've really missed an exciting show of serious teamwork and deadly synchronized attack.
I'm rambling though all of this to say that in all of your studies, goal setting, planning, and strategizing, don't forget the basics. Don't forget your human nature and that of your team mates. Don't forget to rely on it. Don't try to sidestep it. Don't think for a moment that you don't have it and are somehow above it all. Take what I am about to tell you to the bank. Every time that you begin to think that you are above your basic human nature, and that it holds no claim to you, you are baring you Achilles heel to the world, and your worst enemy will recognize it and close in on it. Embracing your humanity is the only way to live.
Now go pet your cat and give your dog an extra scratch behind the ears. They deserve that and more for putting up with you. I'm off to learn a few new things, because you can teach an old human new tricks. What's your next new trick?
Surround yourself with people who love you, work that you
love, and a cause that you believe in.
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let me hear an Amen