Friday, August 24, 2012

When Is It Too Late to Change Careers?

When Is It Too Late to Change Careers?  NEVER! 
Consider a few of the following points. 

Work for yourself for a change!
Eighty percent of people end up in the wrong job, therefore changing your career could be the best decision you ever make.  If you don’t become the person you were meant to be now, when will you?  No matter how advanced your age, you've gained an impressive array of skills, plus you have professional wisdom and perspective, acquired only through time.  Put them to work to your advantage!

Life is short!
Do you really want to spend the rest of your working years doing anything other than the work you’d love to do?  David Thomas, chief executive of CRAC, the Careers Research and Advisory Centre, states “For most people, a major career change is a very positive experience and nearly always a success story. If you can find a role that you love, the change will be totally invigorating.”

Base your confidence on reality.
Never let your confidence in yourself, hinge on other people’s lack of confidence or doubt.  Other people’s opinions are just that, opinions, and hold no power over us what so ever, unless we choose so.  If you are going to take advice, seek advice from someone who has done it, and already taken that leap of faith to a career change.  They will better know what they are talking about than those who have never even tried it.

Have no fear.
While change generates fear in most people, you already have within you the experiences of tens of thousands of changes.  Why should you fear change?  You already possess the mental skills and incredible resources of inner strength for managing change.  Once you set fear aside, you the individual are actually among the best equipped in the world to successfully manage changes, to your full advantage.

It’s not starting over. 
It’s starting with your strengths, and you have many!  The more years you have worked, lived, and interacted in society, the more impressive will be your array of skills in general and specific knowledge.  Plus, you have wisdom and perspective acquired only through time, with the lion’s share of it, specific to your profession or work that you love.

Rely on your strengths. 
When deciding on a new career path, don’t dwell on your weaknesses but rather your strengths.  Doing what you are best at and love, is the best recipe for success known to mankind.  Where motivation and ability meet in a focused effort, you can’t be stopped.

What loyalty?
While loyalty was once appreciated by employers, that is no longer the case,  and most don’t even give it in return for employee loyalty.  If you are an older worker, then very likely you are under paid, under-utilized, and under-developed at your current job.  Would a younger person settle for this?  Why should you?   Fact check:  There's no reason why you have to!

What does it take? 
It takes your personal commitment and having the confidence to take a low risk, and make a big change.   If you are finally ready to go do the work that you really love, do it.  Making excuses does not make a career.  As E.E. Cummings said so well, “It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.”  And, as the lotto motto says, "You can’t win if you don’t play.”  The question is not, "Am I too old for a career change?" but, "Am I old enough for a career change?".  Go for the gold!

Suggested readings:  Who Moved My Cheese? by Spencer Johnson,
                                  Who Do You Think You Are? by Nick Isbister, and
                                  What Colour is Your Parachute? by Richard Bolles
                                  The Holstee Manifesto;

Surround yourself with people who love you, work that you love, and a cause that you believe in.

Your comments, "likes", "twitters" and "pins" are welcome!  Follow me on twitter @earlefowler

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